
Top Ten Reasons For Consolidating Your Student Loans

by: Mike O'Brien

From saving money to improving your credit score, there are many benefits to consolidating student loans. Here are the top ten reasons why you should streamline these debts.

1. Peace of mind

Have you had sleepless nights worrying about whether or not you can afford to pay your bills? By consolidating your student loans, you can save up to 60% on monthly payments.

2. Lock in a low interest rate

By organising your Federal student loan consolidation before June 30th of this year, you can take advantage of the current low interest rate of 4.7 percent. As well, you will secure this interest rate for the life of the loan, so you won’t have to worry about a rate increase.

3. Streamline your payments

Have you racked up multiple loans with varying amounts over the course of your time in school? It can be confusing to keep track of all of the bills. When you consolidate, you will simplify your life by only having to pay one amount to one lender.

4. Auto-pay

To further simplify your bill paying, sign up for auto-pay at the time of the consolidation, and you can save yourself the cost of a stamp and the time it takes to write a check. The lender will simply deduct the amount from your bank account on a regular schedule. Most lenders provide a discount for borrowers who sign up for auto-pay.

5. Improve your credit score

When you consolidate, the new lender will pay off your existing student loans. This process of loan payment, along with reducing the number of outstanding loans will improve your credit score. And, don’t worry if you don’t currently have stellar credit. Because your loans are guaranteed by the U.S. government, your credit score won’t be checked as part of the application process.

6. Help your parents

Did your parents borrow money to help pay for your education? They, too, can consolidate their PLUS loans and lock in the current interest rate.

7. “On Time” payment discount

Like auto-pay, lenders reward borrowers with an interest rate discount for paying on time for a certain period (usually 36 months). Make sure to ask your lender about discounts when you apply for a loan consolidation

8. Forbear or defer

Once you have consolidated, you will retain these Federal borrowing privileges.

9. Financial Savvy

Maybe you weren’t a straight “A” student, but everyone will think that you’re a financial genius when you tell them what you are saving on your student loan consolidation.

10. Get out of default status

You can stop the harassing phone calls or wage garnishments by consolidating loans that are in default and get back on track with your financial status.

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